
Clean Power

Satisfying the world's growing demand for power requires a balanced portfolio of energy options.

The world demands a reliable supply of clean and dependable power. Fuel choices for conversion to power can vary driven by economics, availability and environmental factors. There is no one technology that can ideally meet the power needs of every situation. To help meet these challenges, GE offers one of the most comprehensive portfolios of products for the energy industry. GE offers technology for oil and gas, fossil, nuclear, hydro, solar and wind applications.

From increasing the efficiency of traditional energy systems to developing leading-edge renewable energy sources, we are hard at work, seeking innovative ways to produce efficient and reliable power.

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delikanlı was here :))

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orgeneral paşa..nasıl gidiyor..ahmet sonuca ulaştımı..hehehehe

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=)) Bekliyoruz hala =)