
Toyota&EDF Partnership

Toyota and French utility firm EDF are forming a technology partnership to evaluate plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) in Europe, including the use of public charging stations. Road trials will begin this autumn.

The objective is to develop practical solutions for the commercialisation of Toyota’s prototype vehicle technology, which can reduce the environmental impact of vehicles especially in urban areas.

Under the agreement, a small number of PHVs will be integrated into EDF's fleet and tested on public roads in France under everyday driving conditions. Road trials of the PHV will commence in France in the autumn and may be expanded to other European countries in the future. The vehicles use Toyota’s hybrid technology but with the added benefit that their batteries can be recharged using a standard electrical plug.

Toyota’s PHV technology combines a petrol engine with an electric motor and a battery which can be charged in two ways: either whilst the vehicle is driving and by recovering energy otherwise lost during braking, or by connecting the vehicle to an electric supply source at home, work or at a public charging station.

For short journeys, a PHV would rely more on electric power, offering significant reductions in CO2 emissions through reduced consumption of fossil fuels. For longer distances, it would switch to a combined electric/gasoline mode.

EDF and Toyota have also developed an innovative charging and invoicing system, installed in each of the test vehicles. This system is compatible with a new generation of public charging stations, which aim to make electric power more accessible on public roads and car parks and to reduce the cost to the customer.

Wind Turbines-2

Convection winds and surface winds

Where Do Winds Come From?
The sun has a lot to do with creating winds. Winds above continents and oceans occur because of temperature differences around the world. Some places, especially those near the Equator, receive far more direct sunlight than those closer to the Earth's north and south poles. As a result, the air over these areas warms up and then rises. Cooler air from the surrounding area rushes in to fill the space left by the rising air, creating a surface wind.

Wind surfer

Capturing Wind Energy
Air is constantly on the move. In some places, especially along coastlines and in mountains, it provides a highly reliable source of mechanical energy. Humans have invented an amazing array of devices that can harness the energy of the wind and put it to practical use.

Dutch windmill

One of the oldest uses of wind energy is transportation. The first primitive sails were probably made from woven mats held aloft by wooden poles or human hands. Modern sailboats have very efficient sails and masts constructed from strong, lightweight materials such as Kevlar (the material used in bulletproof vests) and titanium. They work like aircraft wings to generate forces that pull the boat in the desired direction.

Pumping and Grinding
Long before the invention of electricity, early wind turbines did very useful work. Windmills were used in many places in Europe over the last several centuries to turn heavy granite disks called millstones. The millstones were used to crush dry grains such as wheat, barley, and corn to make flour or meal.

The Netherlands is famous for its windmills. In truth, most of these structures are not mills at all, but water pumps.

Farm wind pump

The Dutch created new farmland along the coast by building dikes around low-lying estuaries and mudflats and pumping out all the seawater. The "windmills" provided a steady supply of mechanical energy to lift seawater into the canals, allowing the new farmland to dry out.

Diagram of wind turbine showing tower, generator and turbine blades, a cut out view of interior workings

In the past, windmills were common on farmsteads across Canada. They were often used to pump water from wells to watering troughs for cattle and to generate electricity at the farmhouse. When rural areas finally received electricity, many of these windmills fell into disuse and disrepair. Recently however, small windmills are becoming popular once again for bringing water to livestock.

Generating Electricity
One of the most popular uses of wind turbines is to generate electricity. To make electricity, the shaft of the turbine must be connected to an electrical generator. Through gearboxes, the generator converts the mechanical energy of the spinning turbine shaft into electricity.

Offshore wind turbine

Wind farm at Castle River, Alberta
The wind farm at Castle River, Alberta, generates enough electricity to meet the needs of several thousand Canadian homes.
Photo courtesy of Vision Quest Windelectric Inc.
Generators are small and light enough that they can be housed under an aerodynamically designed cover at the top of the pole or tower. Wires running down the tower carry electricity to the grid, batteries or other appliances, where it is stored, and/or used.

Electricity is now being generated on a commercial scale at large installations called "wind farms" in several places around the world. Wind farms consist of rows of towers, sometimes 90 metres high, equipped with giant wind turbines for producing electricity.

In Canada, the first commercial wind farm was built in southern Alberta near the town of Cowley, in a region famous for its strong, steady winds. Commercial wind farms have also been established in Germany, Denmark, the United States, Spain and India. Denmark and Germany have pioneered the development of commercial wind power, one of their fastest-growing industries.

Small wind turbine, domestic use

Some companies are now installing wind farms in shallow waters near coastlines in small countries with little available land area. These "offshore wind farms" are a promising new source of electricity. Toronto Hydro is installing such a turbine offshore on Lake Ontario.

Commercial wind energy is one of the most economical sources of new electricity available today. Wind turbines can be set up quickly and cheaply compared with building new coal-fired generating stations or hydroelectric facilities. Modern wind generating equipment is efficient, highly reliable, and becoming cheaper to purchase. The environmental impact of large wind turbines is negligible compared with an open pit coal mine or a reservoir, and during their operation produce no air pollution. Because of these factors, wind energy is recognized as the world's fastest-growing new energy source.

Small, highly efficient wind turbines are becoming popular as a source of electricity for rural homes. The cost of installing one comes close to that of putting up poles, overhead power lines and other equipment necessary to connect to the electrical grid. The advantage is that the homeowner owns the generating equipment and is freed from paying monthly electrical bills!

Fuel Cells

Fuel cells and their ability to cleanly produce electricity from hydrogen and oxygen are what make hydrogen attractive as a "fuel" for transportation use particularly, but also as a general energy carrier for homes and other uses, and for storing and transporting otherwise intermittent renewable energy. Fuel cells function somewhat like a battery—with external fuel being supplied rather than stored electricity—to generate power by chemical reaction rather than combustion. They typically consist of numerous small cells in layers though, rather than a single large one. There are several different types of fuel cells using different catalysts (chemicals, in this case probably metals, that trigger a chemical reaction without themselves being used up by it) and electrolytes (non-metallic conductors of electrical ions, classically in a solution, but for fuel cells more likely in a solid membrane). In one type, for example, however, hydrogen fed to one catalyst-containing electrode splits to a positively charge hydrogen ion (proton) and a negatively charged electron. The positive ions travel through the electrolyte to the other catalyst electrode where they combine with oxygen fed to that electrode—and electrons—to produce water and heat. The necessary electrons are drawn through an electric circuit external to the cell, creating the electrical generation.

NREL's current fuel cell work is primarily on developing durable, less-expensive materials for fuel-cell components. Platinum and other current electrode catalysts are costly (particularly for low-operating-temperature fuel cells) and conditions can be highly corrosive (particularly for high-operating-temperature fuel cells) both for electrodes and membranes. Fuel cell design options and their relation to other vehicle operating systems are quite complex. NREL is also applying its analytical capabilities fuel-cell system analysis to help DOE and industry partners identify critical areas for improvement and the most effective operating parameters for whole vehicle systems.

Wind Turbines

We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years. From old Holland to farms in the United States, windmills have been used for pumping water or grinding grain. Today, the windmill's modern equivalent—a wind turbine—can use the wind's energy to generate electricity.

Wind turbines, like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more aboveground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind. Turbines catch the wind's energy with their propeller-like blades. Usually, two or three blades are mounted on a shaft to form a rotor.

A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade. The low-pressure air pocket then pulls the blade toward it, causing the rotor to turn. This is called lift. The force of the lift is actually much stronger than the wind's force against the front side of the blade, which is called drag. The combination of lift and drag causes the rotor to spin like a propeller, and the turning shaft spins a generator to make electricity.

Wind turbines can be used as stand-alone applications, or they can be connected to a utility power grid or even combined with a photovoltaic (solar cell) system. For utility-scale sources of wind energy, a large number of wind turbines are usually built close together to form a wind plant. Several electricity providers today use wind plants to supply power to their customers.

Stand-alone wind turbines are typically used for water pumping or communications. However, homeowners, farmers, and ranchers in windy areas can also use wind turbines as a way to cut their electric bills.

Small wind systems also have potential as distributed energy resources. Distributed energy resources refer to a variety of small, modular power-generating technologies that can be combined to improve the operation of the electricity delivery system.


Gold Mining

Carlin Trend Gold Mine, NV, USA

Newmont Mining Corp. started mining gold at Carlin, Nevada, USA in 1965 and thereafter built up a strong land position in the state. Newmont Gold Company later became the company's only major asset, while the acquisition of Santa Fe Pacific Gold in 1997 increased Newmont's options for optimising mining and processing. In early 2001, Newmont acquired Battle Mountain Gold Co. and in 2002 Normandy Mining, so further extending its gold mining and exploration base in Nevada. In 2002, Newmont owned or controlled 7,915km² of land along Interstate 80.

Mining started with open pits, some of which have been extended underground since 1994. Processing is by a number of methods, according to ore type. In 2005, the company operated 13 open pits, four underground mines and 14 active processing facilities in Nevada. Most, including Leeville (where development ore production started in Q3 2005, totalling 16,000oz by the year-end), are located on the Carlin Trend west of Elko, exploiting the unique mineralisation identified by Newmont in 1964.

The Twin Creeks and Lone Tree Complex are in the Winnemucca region further west, while the Phoenix gold / copper project, where ore processing has started building up to a full rate output of 350,000–420,000oz/y of gold and around 21,000t/y of copper, is near Battle Mountain.


'Carlin type' deposits comprise strata-bound disseminated gold mineralisation, occurring in carbonate rocks of palaeozoic age that have been metamorphosed to varying extents. They are usually structurally controlled.

"As the electricity price is a key contributor to cost increases, Newmont is building a 203MW power station near Elko."

Mineralisation may be predominantly oxides, sulphides, refractory or carbonaceous sulphides and ore type determines the treatment route. High-grade oxide and sulphide ore can be treated by conventional milling and cyanidation, but for the lower-grade oxides Newmont developed heap-leaching technology. Similarly, for the large proportion of refractory ores that cannot be processed by conventional methods, the company completed a roasting unit for higher grades and a proprietary bio-oxidation system for lower grades, both in 1994. Refractory ore with a carbonaceous content is treated in the bio facility or by ammonium thiosulphate leaching. The Winnemucca operations use autoclaves to pre-treat refractory ores.

At end-2005, Newmont's total Nevada proven and probable gold reserves were calculated to be 33.3Moz (equity). At Phoenix, reserves have been increased by 3Moz gold and 408,150t copper since Newmont acquired the property.


Open-pit mines remain the major source of Carlin Trend ore. Carlin is the original pit but Gold Quarry, which opened in 1985 and has been supplemented by the Tusc satellite pit since 1994, is the largest. Other major pits have been Genesis and Post, while Bootstrap, Beast, Lantern and Sold were opened in 1995. Mining is conventional, using large shovels and haulers.

Underground mining, in higher-grade ore down-dip from existing open pits, started in 1994, with two extensions from Carlin. Rain, which works oxide ores by longhole stoping, is an extension of the depleted Rain pit, and Deep Star is an extension from Genesis. Deep Post, which started up in 2001 and produced 227,000oz in its first year, has its portal located within Barrick Goldstrike's Betze/Post open pit.

In 2002, development began on the 700m-deep Leeville deposit, which has reported reserves of 2.7Moz, with ore hoisting scheduled to start by mid-2006 and to reach 1900t/d by end-2006: full-rate gold output should be 500,000–l550,000oz/y for more than eight years. Newmont is using MineStar to help manage its Nevada operations.


The process plants available, some using Newmont proprietary technology, provide considerable flexibility: a linear programme helps to direct ore types to the plant offering the highest economic return. Newmont groups its Nevada process units as follows:

Oxide mills: Carlin Trend mill 5; Midas, Twin Creeks; Lone Tree

Refractory mills: Carlin bio-leach (mill 5), Carlin roaster (mill 6); Lone Tree flotation, Twin Creeks and Lone Tree autoclaves

Dump Leach operations: Carlin-oxide, Carlin-refractory; Twin Creeks and Lone Tree oxide

Although Newmont processes several ore types, the proportion of gold recovered from refractory ores rose from 30% in 1996 to 66% in 2002.


In 2005, Newmont's Nevada open pits mined 175Mt of material and the underground mines 1.42Mt. The oxide mills processed 4.20Mt averaging 4.3g/t gold, the refractory mills 8.15Mt averaging 6.8g/t, and leach dumps 17.5Mt averaging 0.9g/t to give a total output of 2.46Moz of gold. The company’s consolidated Nevada gold sales were down 3.7% to 2.44Moz, while applicable cash costs rose 18.1% to US$333/oz. As the electricity price is a key contributor to cost increases, Newmont is building a 203MW power station near Elko, which it expects will save up to US$20/oz in total cash costs when it is completed in 2008.


Clean Power

Satisfying the world's growing demand for power requires a balanced portfolio of energy options.

The world demands a reliable supply of clean and dependable power. Fuel choices for conversion to power can vary driven by economics, availability and environmental factors. There is no one technology that can ideally meet the power needs of every situation. To help meet these challenges, GE offers one of the most comprehensive portfolios of products for the energy industry. GE offers technology for oil and gas, fossil, nuclear, hydro, solar and wind applications.

From increasing the efficiency of traditional energy systems to developing leading-edge renewable energy sources, we are hard at work, seeking innovative ways to produce efficient and reliable power.

Singer Island

Now accepting reservations for arrival on or after April 10, 2007.

The Resort at Singer Island has joined The Luxury Collection as a diverse smoke-free resort.

Featuring 239 all-suite resort units and 66 residential condominiums, the resort includes 4,000 square feet of meeting space, an 8,500-square foot spa, and all of the amenities and services one would expect from a world-class facility. Butler Service, valet attendants, and a full-time concierge will enrich guest experiences and activities, including coordination of private events, theater tickets, dinner reservations, and travel arrangements.

Experience the essence of elegance in one or two bedroom resort units ranging from 800 square feet to just over 2,100 square feet of living space. Decorated with dark wood tones, stainless steel kitchen appliances, and marble baths, the resort offers a luxurious contemporary modern edge. Enjoy majestic views of the Atlantic Ocean or Intracoastal Waterways from the expansive terraces in each suite.

Dining options include an alfresco ambiance at the ocean side eatery, the convenience of room service, or special events catered within the stunning entertainment veranda. Even a temperature-controlled wine room is available to store private wine collections.

The white sands of Singer Island provide the ultimate place to relax. Attentive pool and beachside attendants provide everything from plush beach towels and relaxing lounge chairs to tempting frozen libations. Outdoor private cabanas are the ideal place to enjoy a casual poolside lunch.

Discover a luxurious experience like no other at The Resort at Singer Island.

Private Island

On, visitors can search for multimillion-dollar properties in more than two dozen categories, including Golf Course, Ski, Waterfront and Wine Country. Yet as alluring as these alternatives are, there’s no question which category inspires the most wistful daydreaming among browsers: Private Island. "Getting away from it all has always been a popular fantasy," remarks Bill Otto of David Jones Real Estate, a Virgin Islands-based brokerage. "A private island allows one to essentially disappear."

The demand for private islands is on the rise, with prices increasing approximately 10 to 20 percent per year, according to Farhad Vladi of Vladi Private Islands, a specialist agency based in that has worked with celebrities including Diana Ross, Tony Curtis and Claudia Schiffer. Farhad attributes the upswing in part to buyers who regard owning their own island as an escape from the stresses of modern-day living. "Increasing environmental problems, inflated property prices, frustration in the workplace and overpopulation have made owning an island even more desirable," he says. "Nearly all island owners are after the same experience—a place to recharge their batteries before returning to civilization."

If you’re one of the many who longs to steal away to a secluded hideaway but have dismissed the idea of island ownership as being only for billionaires and castaways, buying a private island may not be as outrageous as you think. There are thousands of islands for sale all over the world, from the Caribbean to Central America. And while prices are going up, many islands still have a price tag under a million dollars. Following are the steps to getting your own piece of paradise.

Narrow Your Search
To identify the ideal private island, start by browsing for-sale islands on the Internet to get an idea of where you want to buy. While many buyers seek the quintessential tropical island complete with palm trees, sandy beaches and warm water and limit their search to sun-streaked locales, such as the Florida Keys, you may be surprised by the range of options available. While weather is important, it shouldn’t be the only consideration. "In my experience, buyers first and foremost want islands in areas that are politically and socially stable," says Bill.

The most popular area to buy at the moment, according to Farhad, is North America—particularly Nova Scotia. Recent North American listings including Backman Island on Mahone Bay in Nova Scotia, a 49-acre property with a sandy beach priced at $780,000 USD and Lighthouse Island on Lake Huron in Michigan , a historic property with three log cabins priced at $1.9 million USD.

But you don’t have to limit your search to North America. There are private islands available in politically and socially secure areas all over the world. Vladi Private Islands divides their listings into 10 regions, including Europe, The Caribbean, Central America, South America, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.

Recent international listings include Seal Island on Mullet Peninsula in Ireland, a 177-acre property with a cluster of old stone houses in the center priced at $1.2 million USD and Sultan Island near Singapore, a 93-acre slice of paradise priced at $27.5 million USD that was named one of’s Most Expensive Homes in the World 2005.

Find a Broker
Once you have narrowed your search, contact a broker in the area where you’re interested in buying and see what he or she has to offer. A visit to can put you in touch with a top broker almost anywhere in the world. Or ask a local real estate broker that you know and trust; most brokers can recommend a qualified colleague in a wide range of locales. When in doubt, ask for references; a qualified broker will be happy to provide them.

Plan a Visit
According to Farhad, a great way to try out island ownership is to start by renting an island. "I encourage clients to sample island living to strip away any false illusions they may have of islands as ‘paradise,’" he says. Farhad’s rental service, Vladi Island Travel, represents islands in more than 40 destinations, from to , priced between $75 and $7,500 USD a day. Rental islands range from those with luxurious resorts to undeveloped Robinson Crusoe-style isles where visitors pitch their own tents and organize their own meals.

Even if you don’t go the rental route, it is essential to visit any island you are thinking of buying, agree Farhad and Bill. "It is very important to plan a visit, as that is the only way to form a complete picture of an island, its development possibilities, its environment and the people who live in the area," remarks Farhad. Adds Bill, "When buyers visit an island, we walk around as much as possible to get a true ‘feel’ for the grounds and to note any interesting findings, such as plants, birds and old settlement sites or ruins." Ask your broker to accompany you on the trip so you can benefit from the broker’s knowledge and experience.

Before You Sign
Another factor to consider before signing the ownership papers is how much time you plan to spend on the island and what you need to do to make it habitable. Many islands already have an infrastructure in place, while others do not. "As a rule, the more remote the island, the more difficult and expensive it is to develop an infrastructure due to the logistics of building and transporting materials and workers," says Bill.

Fortunately, advances in technology, such as solar energy and prefabricated houses, have made turning a deserted island into a comfortable oasis much easier than in the past. "Nowadays, within a time period of approximately three months, a house, electricity, phone and water can be made available on almost any island with no problem," says Farhad. "We also assist the client in making the necessary applications post-purchase, including providing contact details of construction companies and boat dealers." He continues, "Other services we provide are giving a client recommendations if the client decides to rent the island to third parties and offering to manage the island in the circumstance that the client needs someone trustworthy to maintain the property in his or her absence."


A Big Energy : General Electric

The Power That Turns the World

More people around the world turn to us for advanced power systems and around-the-clock energy services than any other company. Since we installed our first steam turbine in 1901, our installed base of steam and heavy-duty gas turbines has grown to over 10,000 units, representing over a million Megawatts (MW) of installed capacity in more than 120 countries. With over 5,500 wind and 3,600 hydro turbines, the installed capacity of renewable energy exceeds 160,000 MW.


Be Carefully When You Chosing Your Job

Do you work in a dangerous occupation? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top 10 most dangerous jobs are:

1. Timber cutters
2. Airplane pilots
3. Construction laborers
4. Truck drivers
5. Farm occupations
6. Groundskeepers
7. Laborers
8. Police and detectives
9. Carpenters
10. Sales occupations

Do you have the life insurance protection you need?
It's a fact that some occupations are riskier than others. But no matter what you do for a living, take a look at your life insurance needs. Life insurance can help you financially protect your loved ones after you die. If you're single, and no one is depending upon your income for support, you probably don't need life insurance. But if any of the following is true, consider buying life insurance:

  • You're married and your spouse depends on your income
  • You have children
  • You have an aging parent or disabled relative who depends on your income
  • Your retirement savings, pension, or other cash accounts won't adequately support your loved ones after you die
  • You have a large estate and expect to owe estate taxes
  • You own a business

Calculators and worksheets are available online to help you determine how much life insurance you need. You may want to contact an insurance agent or broker who can help you determine what type of life insurance is best for you and the amount of coverage you need.

Do you have the disability insurance you need?
If you work in a high-risk occupation, you probably know how important it is to have disability insurance coverage. But don't rely on government programs such as Social Security and workers' compensation as your main source of protection. In reality, government programs pay only limited benefits under restrictive terms (e.g. you must meet a strict definition of disability to qualify).

Your employer may offer group disability insurance at low or no cost to you. But you may also want to consider purchasing an individual disability insurance policy. Although you'll pay more for individual coverage than for a group policy, you often get more benefits. And keep in mind that if you leave your job or otherwise terminate your relationship with a group, you can't take your disability policy with you, and you usually can't convert it to an individual disability policy. This means that you may be left without disability coverage when you need it most.

Shop around for coverage
Since many different types of life and disability policies are available, it's important to shop around for coverage to find a life insurance policty that meets your individual needs. Since premium costs vary widely, get quotes from several insurance companies. Just make sure you're comparing policies that offer similar benefits.

Big Companies

The World's Most Reputable Companies

RepTrak Rank 2006 Company Country Industry RepTrak Pulse 2006 2005 Revenues ($mil)
1 Barilla Holding Italy Food & Tobacco 87.79 5,522**
2 LEGO Holding A/S Denmark Consumer Products 86.58 1,380
3 Deutsche Lufthansa AG Germany Airline & Aerospace 84.09 21,353
4 IKEA International A/S Sweden Retail - General 84.08 18,088
5 Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin France Automotive 83.79 18,428
6 Toyota Motor Corp. Japan Automotive 83.15 179,024
7 A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S Denmark Transport/Logistics 83.15 33,058
8 Ferrero SpA Italy Food & Tobacco 82.98 5,664**
9 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. South Korea Electrical & Electronics 82.57 79,501
10 Kraft Foods Inc. USA Food & Tobacco 81.82 34,113
11 Danfoss A/S Denmark Industrial Products 81.57 2,860
12 AKER Norway Industrial Products 81.33 9,710*
13 Johnson & Johnson USA Pharmaceuticals 81.07 50,514
14 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Netherlands Electrical & Electronics 80.98 35,928
15 Federation of Migros Cooperatives Switzerland Retail - Food 80.91 17,938**
16 Reitangruppen AS (Rema 1000) Norway Retail - Food 79.71 2,496*
17 Tesco PLC UK Retail - Food 79.65 69,218
18 BMW AG Germany Automotive 79.58 55,149
19 Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Japan Automotive 79.55 84,317
20 Tata Group India Conglomerate 79.41 17,878*
21 Aldi Group Germany Retail - Food 79.18 37,000
22 VELUX A/S Denmark Industrial Products 78.92 2,209
23 PepsiCo Inc. USA Beverage 78.85 32,562
24 Novo Nordisk A/S Denmark Pharmaceuticals 78.75 5,351
25 Haier Group China Electrical & Electronics 78.74 12,800
26 Kone Corp. Finland Industrial Products 78.73 7,182*
27 Walt Disney Co. USA Information & Media 78.65 31,944
28 McCain Foods Canada Food & Tobacco 78.03 4,623*
29 Mercadona, S.A. Spain Retail - Food 78.00 11,962**
30 Grupo Bimbo, S.A. Mexico Food & Tobacco 77.86 5,206*
31 Luxottica Group Italy Consumer Products 77.68 5,578
32 Coop Norge AS Norway Retail - Food 77.63 2,921*
33 Coop Italia Italy Retail - Food 77.44 15,000
34 Airbus S.A.S. France Airline & Aerospace 77.41 28,313
35 Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland Financial - Diversified 77.37 3,034*
36 Robert Bosch GmbH Germany Electrical & Electronics 77.26 49,759
37 Grupo Leche Pascual, S.A. Spain Food & Tobacco 77.06 1,353**
38 Canon Inc. Japan Electrical & Electronics 77.02 31,798
39 Woolworths Ltd. Australia Retail - Food 76.98 28,034
40 Home Depot Inc. USA Retail - General 76.95 81,511
41 Nokia Corp. Finland Telecommunications 76.85 40,415
42 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Denmark Industrial Products 76.80 4,243
43 Woolworths Holdings Ltd. South Africa Retail - General 76.78 2,100**
44 Grundfos A/S Denmark Industrial Products 76.71 2,079
45 Marks & Spencer Group PLC UK Retail - General 76.66 13,561
46 Ebro Puleva S.A. Spain Food & Tobacco 76.60 2,615**
47 Sharp Corp. Japan Electrical & Electronics 76.38 23,803
48 Sol Meliá, S.A. Spain Services 76.33 1,416**
49 3M Co. USA Industrial Products 76.27 21,167
50 L'Oreal S.A. France Consumer Products 76.12 17,178


Gulfstream G150 = Private Jet

The G150 delivers significant range and speed advantages over all other aircraft in its class on nonstop coast-to-coast trips. For example, flying from New York to Los Angeles in 5 hours and 50 minutes, the G150 saves 1 hour and 600 pounds of fuel over its nearest competitor.

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, based in Savannah, Georgia, announced the wide-cabin, high-speed G150 business jet in September 2002. The G150 is a wide-cabin version of the successful G100 business jet. The aircraft was developed by Gulfstream and Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI). The launch customer, NetJets Inc, has placed an order for 50 G150s with options for up to 50 more aircraft. The first deliveries are scheduled for the third quarter of 2006.

The aircraft is manufactured in the IAI production facilities in Tel Aviv and the first aircraft roll out was in January 2005. The first fight was successfully completed in May 2005. Type certification by the Israel Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) was received in November 2005, followed by validation by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The aircraft was flown to Gulfstream's manufacturing facility in Dallas for completion and entered service in August 2006 with Gulfstream as a company demonstrator. The G150 replaces the G100, which ceased production in January 2006.


The Airbus Corporate Jetliner (ACJ) Family won a record 20 sales in 2006, surpassing the previous year's record of 15 orders and securing its position at the top of the corporate aviation market.

The ACJ Family comprises the A318 Elite, A320 Prestige and ACJ, which is based on the A319. Airbus has now sold a total of almost 80 ACJ Family aircraft.

"For the third year in a row we have outsold the nearest competitor in the large, top-of-the-line corporate jet market and the ACJ Family won almost two-thirds of sales in this sector in 2006," said Richard Gaona, vice president executive and private aviation. "With the widest, most comfortable cabin available in the corporate market and a thoroughly modern, reliable design, the ACJ Family is the aircraft of choice for discerning customers."

Airbus also delivered a record 10 ACJ Family aircraft in 2006 along with the first A340-600 VIP, which was handed over to the SAAD Group in December. The ACJ is also venturing into new territory with the Australian Government Antarctic Division.

All ACJ Family aircraft feature customisable corporate cabins, built in airstairs that eliminate the need for jetways or mobile steps and can be fitted with extra fuel tanks for greater range. The ACJ and A318 Elite also have a higher cruise altitude of 41,000 ft.


The newest members of the Boeing 737 family - - the 737-600/-700/-800/-900 models -- continue the 737's pre-eminence as the world's most popular and reliable commercial jet transport. The 737 family has won orders for more than 6,000 airplanes, which is more airplanes than The Boeing Company's biggest competitor has won for its entire product line since it began business.

The 737 - a short-to-medium-range airplane - is based on a key Boeing philosophy of delivering added value to airlines with reliability, simplicity and reduced operating and maintenance costs.

The Next-Generation 737 models build on the strengths that made the 737 the world's most successful commercial airliner, while incorporating improvements and value-added technology designed for the 21st century.

Advanced technology winglets allow airlines to save on fuel, extend its range, carry more payload and reduce engine maintenance costs. Blended winglets are wing tip extensions which provide several benefits to airplane operators. The winglet option increases the Next-Generation 737's lead as the newest and most technologically advanced airplane in its class.

The passenger cabin on the Boeing Next-Generation 737s has a new look, providing passengers with comfortable, aesthetically pleasing surroundings.

The Boeing 737-900ER is the newest member of the Next-Generation 737 airplane family. The higher capacity, longer-range derivative of the 737-900 was launched on July 18, 2005 with an order for 30 airplanes from Indonesia 's Lion Air.

Did you know about 50 gallons of paint are used to paint an average 737? Once the paint is dry, it will weigh approximately 250 pounds.



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Cell Phone

Product Description

The BlackBerry® Pearl� 8100� smartphone moves the innovative BlackBerry® functionality to a new level! The BlackBerry Pearl will be the first Blackberry to offer an integrated 1.3 Megapixel camera along with the other usual goodies such as voice activated dialing, Bluetooth® support, speakerphone, IM support including including Yahoo!® Messenger and Google Talk® and a media player for listening to MP3s and watching videos, all wrapped up into one compact, integrated device. You get rock-solid voice performance, email, web browsing and BlackBerry Maps� in a thin, stylish, lightweight handheld with a SureType QWERTY keyboard layout.

Sanyo Katana - Mystic Black (Sprint) Cell Phone
Sanyo Katana - Mystic Black (Sprint) Cell Phone
Availability: In Stock

Product Description
The Sanyo Katana is a new ultra-thin cell phone offered by Sprint. This fun clamshell phone comes in three different colors Mystic Black, Blue Sapphire and Cherry Blossom pink. The Katana comes equipped with a Built-in VGA camera, Bluetooth connectivity and a 2.2-inch QVGA TFT LCD Main Display.
Additional features includes:

  • Built-in Speakerphone
  • Sprint PCS Vision
  • 1.0-inch TFT LCD External Display, 65K-color
  • Bluetooth Capable
  • Direct Tv

    Bringing viewers the widest variety of television programming available today, Direct TV is the largest digital satellite service provider in the country. Direct TV now has a customer base of 15 million viewers. Offering 850 video and audio channels, including great networks through XM satellite radio, Direct TV has everything you need for great entertainment. From the hottest movie, sports and music networks, to great news and weather options, Direct TV has a channel for every viewer. Great family and children's channels are also featured through Direct TV. All the premium channels you're looking for are right here. You'll get HBO, Cinemax, C-SPAN, ESPN, Turner Classic Movies, Bravo and more. The entire family will love the programming featured on networks like The Hallmark Channel, The History Channel and Lifetime. Children can choose from great educational programs and fun shows on networks like Animal Planet, PBS, Toon Disney, The Disney Channel, The Discovery Channel, and more.

    Private Jet

    Are you tired of waiting in crowded airline terminals or adjusting your schedule to fit flight times? Have you missed business opportunities because you failed to act quickly? Then rent or purchase a luxury private jet for business or pleasure. Private business jets are a great way to keep your customers and top staff from leaving. Whether your a business executive or retired and want a better more convenient and better way to travel, then private jet charter or private jet ownership is something to consider. Flying in a private jet rental will also give you more time to spend with your family or your business and lets you relax or work in complete privacy. Choose it for leisure and your vacation starts right when you get on the plane. However, no two private jet trips are alike.

    The advantages of renting a private jet are simple:
    • No capital investment and no overhead
    • No time commitment or minimum usage time
    • Access to a network of certified jets
    • Guaranteed availability, 365 days a year
    • Book flights with as little as 10 hours notice
    • Choose a light, mid or heavy jet for each individual charter jet trip
    • Confidentiality
    Find private charter jets for the US and UK that allow you to rent a private jet when your needs demand. You can fly on your own schedule away from crowded terminals and busy airports. Furthermore, you can get closer to your destination by using private airports. So enjoy the comfort, privacy, and control of your itinerary.

    Mesothelioma Information & Help

    If you, or a loved one, have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or think you might be at risk for developing the disease, you might feel scared, confused or angry. But you don�t need to be alone. We can help.

    Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that can be difficult to diagnose. Several diseases can cause symptoms similar to mesothelioma. To get the best treatment for lung related diseases, it�s important to seek medical help as early as possible. An early diagnosis provides the best chance for effective treatment to prolong your life. Promising research is going on right now that gives hope for better treatments, and hopefully a cure for this aggressive disease in the future.

    Mesothelioma has been conclusively linked to asbestos exposure. Asbestos-related illnesses have occurred in workers in many industries where this insulating material was used. However, people exposed to asbestos secondarily can develop lung-related medical problems. If you have worked in an asbestos-related industry or lived in close contact with someone who did, there is a chance you may develop lung problems, including mesothelioma.

    If you suspect you�ve been exposed to asbestos through your job, a family member or the environment, you can protect your health by getting more information. You may not notice symptoms right away. Even minimal exposure to air-borne asbestos can cause health problems. Since it can take many years for problems to develop, frequent monitoring should be continued throughout your life. Submit your contact information for a free packet on mesothelioma, there is no obligation.

    There are many resources to help you navigate the medical and financial issues you may be faced with. Information about the diagnosis and treatment of this serious cancer is available. You can get support in finding the best treatments, and coping with the effects of mesothelioma. There may be financial compensation available for mesothelioma sufferers. Learn more about your rights and possible financial assistance as well.


    Refinancing is when you apply for a secured loan in order to pay off another different loan secured against the same assets, property etc. If this original loan had a fixed interest rate mortgage which has now declined considerably, then you would like to avail of a new loan at a more favorable interest rate.

    When is Refinancing an Option

    Typically home refinancing is done when you have a mortgage on your home and apply for a second loan to pay off the first one. While taking the decision to go for the home refinancing option, it is important to first determine whether the amount you save on interests balances the amount of fees payable during refinancing.

    Benefits of Home Refinancing

    Imagine a scenario where you can have access to extra cash, while simultaneously lowering your monthly mortgage payment. This dream can become a reality through mortgage refinancing.

    A house is the largest asset you may ever own. Likewise, your mortgage payment may be the largest expense you'll have in your monthly budget. Wouldn't it be great to use this asset to reduce your monthly payment and put extra cash in your pocket? When you refinance your mortgage, you can take advantage of the equity in your home and enable this to take place.

    Lower Refinance Rate, Lower Payments

    When you purchased your dream home, the financial environment dictated interest rates. While certain factors, like your credit rating and the amount of the down payment that you were able to afford, influenced your interest rate, the single most important factor was the prevailing rates at that moment. However, interest rates fluctuate. When the Federal Reserve enters a rate-cutting period, the prevailing rates may become significantly lower than when you originally purchased your home.

    By refinancing your mortgage when interest rates are lower, you can exchange a higher interest rate for a lower one, which, in turn, will lower your monthly payment.

    Shorten the Length of Your Mortgage when Refinancing

    Another advantage of home refinancing is that you can shorten the term of your mortgage. Let's say, for example, that you originally had a 30-year mortgage and have been paying it for eight years. Thanks to mortgage refinancing, you can switch to a shorter term of either 10, 15 or 20 years. This can save you thousands of dollars of interest. Also, if the refinance rate is lower, but you maintain the same monthly payment, you will build up equity in your home more quickly, because more of your payment will be going towards principal.

    Exchange an Adjustable Rate for a Fixed Refinance Rate

    When interest rates are low, adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are the housing market's darlings. However, as interest rates increase, that adjustable rate may not look as sweet. It's also possible that you opted for an ARM because your financial future was less secure, or you weren't sure how long you'd stay in your home. If, however, you've become financially stable and know that you'll be staying in your home for several years, it may be beneficial to swap that fluctuating adjustable rate for a fixed one. You'll have more security knowing that your monthly payment will remain steady, regardless of the current market environment.

    Access to Extra Cash - Cash-out refinancing

    One way to put more money in your pocket is to tap into the equity you've built in your home and do a "cash-out" refinancing. In this scenario, you can refinance for an amount higher than your current principal balance and take the extra funds as cash. This can provide money for remodeling your home, paying off high-interest rate bills, or sending your kids to college.

    Bye, Bye PMI

    If you were unable to make a down payment of 20 percent when you purchased your home, you may have been required to purchase Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). If your house has appreciated since then, and you've steadily paid down your mortgage, your equity may now be more than 20 percent. If you refinance, you will no longer need PMI.

    In many ways, your house is like a cash cow. If you have discipline and knowledge of the benefits of refinancing, you can tap into its milk for years to come.

    To find the best refinance loan offers complete our short form. You will find lenders and brokers that offer home refinance loans in California, Florida and all other states.


    Maserati Quattroporte

    Maserati'nin beklenen modeli Quattroporte Automatica, Ocak 2007'deki Detroit Motor Show'da yapılacak dünya prömiyerinin ardından tüm dünyada satışa sunulacak.

    Yeni dönemde ürün gamını güçlendirerek model çeşitliliğini daha da geliştirecek olan Maserati, büyük beğeni toplayan Quattroporte DuoSelect'in yanı sıra otomatik vitesli versiyonu olan Quattroporte Automatica ile yollara çıkmaya hazırlanıyor. Maserati'nin merakla beklenen modeli olan Quattroporte Automatica'nın ismi, aracın sunduğu temel yeniliği de tanımlıyor. Altı vitesli Quattroporte Automatica, hızlı ve kolay vites değişimi sağlarken sürüş konforunu da artırıyor.

    Tasarımı en yenilikçi teknolojilerle geliştirilen Quattroporte Automatica'nın tamamen yenilenen vites kutusunda kullanılan farklı ağırlık dağılımı da (önde yüzde 49, arkada yüzde 51) da aracın tam anlamıyla spor bir araba olmasını sağlayan özelliklerin başında yer alıyor. Quattroporte Automatica'da bulunan yeni hidrolik vites sistemi, 8 silindirli Maserati motorun gücünü sınırlamaksızın, aracın düşük ve orta hızlarda da yüksek performans göstermesini sağlıyor. Dünya prömiyeri Ocak 2007'deki Detroit Motor Show'da yapılacak olan Quattroporte Automatica hemen akabinde tüm dünyada satışa sunulacak.

    2003 yılında piyasaya sürülen Maserati Quattroporte, sofistike yapısı, zarif tasarımı içeriği ve üst düzey performans sağlayan teknolojik özellikleri sayesinde bu tür arabaları seven herkesin ilgisini çekmeyi başardı. Lüks spor sedan araçları kategorisinde yeni bir segment yaratmayı başaran Quattroporte diğer prestijli otomobil markaları tarafından da model olarak alınmaya başlanmıştı. Quattroporte'nin piyasaya sürüldüğü 2003 yılından bu yana dünya basınından toplam 28 ödül alması otomotiv sanayindeki ve kamuoyundaki popülaritesinin açık bir işareti.


    Burj Al Arab


    Designed to resemble a billowing sail, the hotel soars to a height of 321 metres, dominating the Dubai coastline. At night, it offers an unforgettable sight, surrounded by choreographed colour sculptures of water and fire. This all-suite hotel reflects the finest that the world has to offer.

    With your chauffeur driven Rolls Royce, discreet in-suite check in, private reception desk on every floor and a brigade of highly trained butlers who provide around-the-clock attention, you can be assured of a highly personalised service throughout your stay.